The Sales Estimate analysis shows what volumes will be traded in individual deal stages according to the expected close date. So if you are looking for an analysis that will show you what to expect in terms of sales, you have come to the right place.
Find this analysis in the Main Menu » Analyses » Sales Estimate.
You can always switch between a chart and a table when viewing this analysis.
In the chart, you see columns representing the different time periods. If you hover over a column, you will see the cumulative amounts of Deals falling under that specific Stage. The Stages are differentiated by color.
In the table, you will see a list of Deals divided into individual Stages.
You can use the Advanced Filter in both the chart and the table. Show or hide the filter as you wish.
The Advanced Filter works as follows:
If you decide to save the filter, you need to name it first.
You will find all the saved filters in the analysis header.
Export the analysis either as a table or a chart. Find this option in the analysis header » three dots.