In this article, we will show you which functions you can find directly on the Project detailed card and what data you can record there.
1. Detailed card header
- There are several tabs in the card header which you can easily navigate between. The first two tabs, Basic Information and Other Information are used for recording information about the Project. If you use Custom Fields, you will find them on a tab of the same name. On the History tab, you can see an overview of all activities that are linked to the Project. You can then add messages about the Project for other Raynet users in the Discussion tab.
- You can mark a project as a favorite by using the star. This will add it to your Bookmarks panel on the Raynet Dashboard.
- Use the green plus button to create any Activity for the Project: Task, Meeting, Event, Email, Phone Call, and Letter.
- Clicking the three dots button will pull up a menu with additional actions: Send attachments by email, Change project code, Export, Security, Refresh, Invalidate and Delete. These actions are covered in detail in a separate article, which can be found here.
2. Basic Information tab
This tab shows basic information about a Project.
On the Basic Information tab, you will also find a panel for adding Deals to the Project.
3. Other Information tab
The Other Information panel shows the Project code. You can add a status confirmation here as well.
4. Custom fields tab
If you use Custom Fields in Raynet, you will find them on a tab of the same name. To set up which fields you want to see and which ones you want to hide, click the Settings button.
5. History tab
On the History tab, you will find an overview of all records related to the Project, from its creation all the way to the present. If you have any other Activities scheduled for the Project, you will also see them here.
6. Discussion tab
The last tab Discussion is used for leaving a message for other Raynet users about the Project. Before you add a post, you first need to add your colleagues to the discussion.