With Required Fields, you will never miss any important information in Raynet. You can mark both default and custom fields as required in your CRM system. That means fields that you have created.
If a user creates a new record containing a required field, such as a Meeting, they will not be able to save the record without filling in the required field. If the user is editing an existing record where the required field has not been filled in, the user will be prompted to do so.
Enabling required field
You need to be an Administrator in order to access the required field settings.
Click on Your Name » Settings.
Proceed to Record Settings.
Here you select the record type for which you want to enable the Required Field, for example, Meeting.
Once you click on a record type, in this case, Meeting, you will see a list of custom and default fields. Find out how to create a custom field in a separate article HERE.
Now you just need to enable the selected required fields. Either for your own custom fields or for the default fields.
Then click on back to record settings.
You will be prompted to reload Raynet because you have made changes to the application Settings.
How required fields work
When you create a new record, the required fields are shown in a dialog box. If you do not fill in the required fields and try to save the record, Raynet will alert you. Once filled in, it will be possible to save the record with no issues.
If you are editing an existing record that has been created before you made any of the fields required, Raynet will alert you again when you try to save. The field must be filled in for the record to be saved.
Important: If you are performing a Mass Edit of fields, the required fields are not taken into account. Therefore, you will not be notified whether a required field is filled in within the record.
Mass import with required fields
The required fields will also appear in mass imports (a detailed article on how to mass import Accounts can be found HERE). In the import template, you can identify the required fields by the column name being in bold.
If you upload a template to Raynet that does not have the required fields filled in, an error list will be generated. The list will show the specific rows with an error, e.g., "Category – required attribute". The template needs to be completed and re-uploaded to Raynet.
Required fields for deals
Required fields for Deals have one more specific feature. You can select deal stages for which you want to enable them.
In the record settings for Deals, it is necessary to go to Field Settings and mark the field as required. In this field, in our case, the "Deposit" field, select from which stage you want it to be a requirement for the field to be filled in.
When moving a Deal on the Business Board, the system will prompt you to fill in the required field when you try to move the panel to that stage.
It works the same way in the Deal detail. When the Deal moves to a Stage where required fields need to be filled in, the system will alert you again. After filling in the required fields, it is possible to save the changes.