Custom Fields can be useful if you are missing any fields in Raynet. Simply choose a suitable format for the custom field, and choose a name for the panel and the fields in it.
Creating a custom field
Custom fields can be added to all record types (Account, Deal, Meeting…). They can only be created by an Administrator in Settings.
In Settings, click on Record settings » select a type of record you want to create fields for » Add custom field » Create new field.
You can choose from 12 different types of custom fields.
Selecting the field type will take you to the next window, where you need to fill in the Panel Name and the Field Name. You can see a preview on the right side of the window that shows what the whole panel will look like. Using the checkboxes, you can decide if you also want the field to appear in list views, in the advanced filter, and in exports. Don’t forget to save everything.
When you want to go Back to RAYNET CRM, the system will prompt you to reload the application first.
After creating the first field, a new tab called Custom Fields will automatically be added to the detailed card in order to display the created fields.
Text help for a custom field
For all types of Custom Fields, the administrator can also set up text help so users better understand how to fill in the field. (maximum 255 characters).
Go to Settings » Record Settings » select a record type (Account, Deal, etc.) » edit. In the dialog box used to edit the field, select Show text help, add the text, and click Save.
On the detailed record card, in our case, the Account, the Help will appear when you hover the mouse cursor over the custom field. It will also be underlined.
Adding a custom field
In the previous part of this article, we explained how to create a new panel and add a custom field into it. If you wish to add another field to a panel you already have in Raynet, go to Field settings for the specific record type (In this case, Contact) and click on Manage Custom Fields.
In our example, we have created a panel for Contacts to keep track of the training courses attended, and now we need to add another field for the Date.
In the Panel Name, you need to select the one you want to add a new field to, in this case, training. Then just enter the name of the field.
Editing custom fields
You can edit the created panels and fields as needed.
You can easily change the order of the panels by using the arrow.
You can rename the panel at any time by clicking on the pencil.
Similarly, you can click the pencil next to the field name to rename it.
Use the X button to delete a field.
You can also change the order of the custom fields. Move your mouse over the gray dots icon at the beginning of the row. Click and drag the mouse to rearrange the fields.
In the settings for individual records, you can set the custom field as required. You can learn more about the required fields in a separate article here.
Directly on the detailed record card (example shown for Contact), you can use Settings to choose which panels you want to display.