Each Raynet user can choose which language they want to use in the application. The following options are currently available:
- English
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Swedish
Each user can have a different language set within their user profile. All users are logged in to one joint raynet account, but each user can see text in a different language. The language can be changed by the user or by an administrator.
Important: If you have any fields customized in the default language, these fields will not be translated when you change the language. For example, Custom fields or Stages of Deals will remain unchanged.
Changing the language in your profile
In the top right corner, click on your name » My profile.
In the left menu, click on Localization » Language. Select a language and save.
Changing the language for other users
If you are an administrator, you can change the language for any user. Click on Settings.
In the left menu, select User Administration and click on the user whose language you want to change.
In the left menu, click on Localization » Language. Select a new language and save.
After saving the language change, the user is prompted to reload the application in order for the changes to be applied.