By syncing with Google Contacts, you can transfer the Accounts and Contacts that you have in Raynet to your Google account. The synchronization is one-way, so if you edit a contact in your Google contact list, the change will not be reflected in Raynet.
If you sync Google Contacts with your phone, they will automatically be transferred to your phone's contacts (see the end of this article for help with enabling synchronization on iOS and Android).
Enabling synchronization
Click on My Profile, which can be found on the top right under your name.
Then select Google Contacts. Here, select which contacts you want to transfer and into which folder in Google Contacts they should be placed (iPhone users select the option Folder labeled "RAYNET CRM" + Default Contacts folder). Finally, click the Synchronize button.
If you are in a browser, a new tab will open where you select one Google account to link Raynet to.
Then confirm the synchronization request with the Allow button
If the synchronization goes well, you will see a message saying the sync has been successful.
From now on, the contacts you have in Raynet will be transferred automatically. If you have a large number of contacts in your contact database, the transfer may take longer. We recommend waiting at least half an hour. In case of any problems, please contact customer support, who will be happy to help you with setting it up.
Important: Contact transfer is limited by the Google account to 25,000 contacts. If you are unable to transfer all the contacts from Raynet, we recommend deleting the contacts you do not use. Contacts that you have in the trash folder on Google also count towards the limit.
Enabling synchronization on an iOS phone
On the iPhone, tap Settings and select Contacts » Accounts » Add Account.
Select Google and log in to your Google account. Then select what you want to sync.
Enabling synchronization on an Android phone
On your phone, go to Settings » Accounts and backup » Manage accounts » Add account » Google.
Log in to your Google account and tap Sync account. Enable everything you want to sync, in this case, primarily Contacts.