The Number of Deals analysis shows you how many jobs (Deals) are New, Won, Lost or Canceled in a selected time period. It is sorted by individual sales rep.
Find this analysis in the Main Menu » Analyses » Number of Deals.
You can view the analysis as a chart or switch to a table.
In the chart, you will see all reps and the totals for individual stages of their Deals. You can view the totals in the chart by hovering over the row.
In each row of the table, you can see the Owner (sales rep) and an overview of totals of Deals that belong to them. This is also separated by Deal stage.
You can find the Advanced Filter in both the chart and the table. Show or hide the filter as you wish.
The Advanced Filter works as follows:
If you decide to save the filter, you need to name it first » then Save.
You will find all your saved filters in the analysis header, where you can pin and manage them.
Export the Sales Development analysis either as a table or a chart.