This article will show you what you can find on the Lead detailed card and which data you can edit.
1. Detailed card header
- There are several tabs in the card header. The first tab, Lead, shows basic information about the lead. On the GDPR tab, you can check if you have all legal titles in order. On the History tab, you'll find a complete timeline of what has been done or what is to be done with the prospective client. You can then add messages about the Lead for other Raynet users in the Discussion tab.
- You can mark a Lead with a star. This will add it to your Bookmarks panel on the Raynet Dashboard, so you can keep an eye on it.
- You will also find a green plus button on the lead detailed card, which you can use to create any activity for the lead: Task, Meeting, Event, Email, Phone Call, and Letter.
- The three dots button provides you with additional actions: Convert lead to..., Google it, Export, Security, Merge with a different lead, Refresh, and Delete. These actions are covered in a separate article, which can be found here.
2. Lead tab
Tip: You can convert a Lead to an Account, Contact, and Deal. For more details, see the article about Lead Conversion.
3. GDPR tab
On the GDPR tab, you can keep track of all the legal titles that allow you to store and manage client data. You can learn more about the entire GDPR module here.
4. Custom Fields tab
If you create your own field for Leads, a tab called Custom Fields will appear on the Lead card. You can find out which types of fields you can create and how to do so here.
5. History tab
The History tab shows a timeline of all the activities that have taken place with the Lead or activities you have planned for the future. You can add another activity to the Lead by clicking the green plus button. Click Export to download the Lead history in .XLSX format.
6. Discussion tab
The last tab Discussion is used for leaving a message for other users about the Lead. Before you add a post, you first need to add your colleagues to the discussion.