In Raynet, the word Account refers to the companies, businesses, or organizations in your contact database. For every Account, you can also record Contacts (contact persons) you interact with.
The list of Accounts can be found in the main menu category Contacts » Accounts.
To create a new Account, click the green plus button.
A new window will pop up. You will need to fill in some information about the new Account. The only required information is the name or title.
Tip: You can easily connect the Contacts you are dealing with to a newly created Account. Find out how to do it in this article.
An individual as an Account
If you also do business with individuals, you can have them in Raynet as Accounts. In the Name or title field, enter the first and last name and select the Individ. person option. Individuals recorded in this way are filtered in the list by last name.