An administrator can change the pricing plan in Settings » Accounting and Billing » Change Subscription.
You will also find a complete billing overview here. Click on the Used Storage button to see a summary of all the Raynet features you are using. This makes it easy to see which plan is best for you.
If you are upgrading your pricing plan, then clicking the Activate button will enable the selected plan and all the services of that plan will be upgraded and enabled with it.
If you are downgrading your pricing plan, there may be situations where Raynet will not allow this action due to the current Raynet usage exceeding the limits of the lower plan. In this case, the How to activate button will appear in the plan menu.
Clicking this button will display a dialog box with instructions on how to activate the selected plan. You will also find a list of all activation obstacles in this window with links to "How to solve" articles.