Is it possible to try the automation feature for free?
Yes, we offer the START plan during the trial version of Raynet, in which you can try 50 automation runs free of charge. After upgrading to the pro version of Raynet, you will have a total of 50 automation runs per month with the START plan. Other plans with a higher number of runs are subject to a fee.
What automation pricing plans are there?
Pricing plans can be found in Settings » Add-ons » Automations » Edit Settings.
One run is defined as any automation execution in which at least one action is successfully performed, e.g., creating a new record, sending a notification, etc.
In case there is, for example, a time condition (i.e., the time when the automation starts) and the system finds multiple records meeting this condition, then one run is subtracted for each of these records. Dozens to hundreds of runs can be subtracted at once when the automation is triggered.
How to enable the automation feature?
Automations are enabled by default for all CRM account administrators.
An administrator can grant other users permission to create automations in Settings » Add-ons » Automation Settings. When the permissions to create automations are all set up, Automations will appear as a new menu item after clicking your name in the upper right corner.
How to create a new automation?
You can create a new automation in two ways. Either you use one of the available templates or you create your own custom automation. For more information on how to create your first automation, see our Using Automation tutorial.
How to activate an automation?
An automation can be activated in two ways:
- In the automation editor in the upper right corner via the AUTOMATION IS ENABLED/DISABLED button.
- In the Automation Overview, on each automation row.
Before running the automation, perform a one-time test to check the automation process. After the test, check the result. For detailed instructions on Testing and Running Automations, see the article Running the Automation.
Is it possible to delete a created automation?
An automation can be deleted even if it is enabled. It is also removed from the Automation Overview. If there is a log of a deleted automation in the automation History, you will see it crossed out. Deletion is irreversible and the automation cannot be restored.
Will the automation owner know that another user has modified, disabled, or deleted their automation?
The owner of the automation will not be notified of the changes or deletion. Users who have been granted permission to create and modify automations can modify other users' automations in any way. Automations do not include a history of changes.
The owner (user) of the automation has been deleted from Raynet. How does this affect his enabled/disabled automations?
In the Owner field, the deleted user will be shown as grayed out and crossed out. The automation will remain active and the original Owner can be replaced with an active user.
The automation could not be completed because there was an error in one of the steps. Will this run be subtracted from the limit?
If all actions in the automation end in an error, nothing will be deducted. A deduction occurs if at least one action is performed successfully within the enabled automation.
How will the automation behavior be affected if Quote/Project/Sales Order records are disabled but are part of the automation?
We will show this through an example. We have created an automation "If a Deal is in the stage Won, a new Project is created. This automation is enabled. If the administrator disables Projects, this automation will end up with an error because the Project cannot be created/edited/deleted. For a description of this error, please refer to the Execution History and check the automation process. You will also receive a notification that the automation has failed.
How many steps can an automation have? Is there a limit?
A maximum of 20 steps is allowed per automation.