Synchronization of the Raynet Calendar with an iPhone is one-way. This means Activities can only be edited in the Raynet Calendar and are read-only on the iPhone.
Setting up synchronization in Raynet
In Raynet, click on your name » My Profile
Select iCalendar in the left menu.
To enable the synchronization with your phone, you need to copy the CRM Calendar URL and paste it into your phone.
Setting up synchronization on your iPhone
On the iPhone home screen, tap on Settings.
In the menu, find the Calendar.
Now go to Accounts.
Select Add Account.
In the application selection, tap on Other.
Select Add Subscribed Calendar.
Paste the CRM Calendar URL from Raynet and tap Next.
The calendar will be named automatically as Raynetcrm, but you can rename it. Then you need to Save the synchronization.
Now you will find the Raynetcrm calendar among the Subscribed Calendars. If you have multiple CRM accounts, you can sync each one of them and name the different accounts.
The activities that you have in Raynet will start being transferred to your iPhone calendar. Activities created before syncing will be transferred with the following limitations: the date on which the activity has been scheduled has to be 2 weeks before and 6 months after the sync date.
A maximum of 200 activities created in the past will be transferred.
If synchronization fails the first time, please try restarting your device or contact our customer support at