Notifications in the mobile app show you when important changes are made to your records in Raynet, such as when the ownership of your record has been changed or when an Activity has started. In this article, we'll take a closer look at these notifications.
How to enable notifications
In order to see Notifications in the mobile app, you need to enable them in the desktop version of Raynet first. This can be done either by an administrator in Settings or by any user directly in their Profile - if they are authorized to do so. To start getting notifications on your phone, switch the Mobile app toggle button on for each notification type. You can learn more about setting up notifications themselves in this article.
Enabling notifications on your device
You also need to enable notifications directly on your device. On Android devices, go to Settings » Apps » find the RAYNET CRM app and allow notifications.
If you are on iOS, find the RAYNET CRM app in the system's App Settings and allow notifications.
In the mobile app, you will receive a push notification, just like with other apps. Tapping the notification will take you to a specific record in the app.
Notification overview in the mobile app
Notifications are displayed at the bottom of the mobile app, when looking at the Dashboard or Calendar, in the list view of all record types, and when viewing any record detail (Account, Deal, etc.). You will also always see the number of new notifications received.
Tapping Notifications will take you to an overview. Here you can use filters to see only Unread notifications or use the three dots button next to selected Notifications » Mark as read or Delete. If you want to mark all notifications as read, tap the three dots button (in the top right) » Mark all as read.
When you tap a specific notification, a dialog box appears. From here, you can get directly to the relevant record detail.
Opening a URL in the mobile app
On Android devices, you can set it up so that when you click a URL in an email notification, you are redirected to the relevant record in the mobile app. Opening links in the mobile app needs to be enabled in the settings of your device, specifically in the detailed settings of the RAYNET CRM app. Here, in the Set as default section, check Open supported links.
On some devices, you also need to go to Supported web addresses and enable the relevant domains of the Raynet CRM app, as they are disabled by default.