Are you in a hurry or on the go and need to write down something quickly? Use the Quick Note feature in the RAYNET CRM mobile app and get it done in just a few clicks.
It is possible to either type the note or use speech-to-text. You can add a picture, document, or an audio recording and Send it to Raynet right away. All Quick Notes can then be found on your Dashboard in the desktop version of Raynet. Each user will only see their own notes and will not be able to access notes created by other users.
Creating a quick note in the mobile app
After logging in to the mobile app, the Dashboard will appear. Here, tap the blue plus button.
Add a Quick Note.
A dialog box will appear. To start creating your note, tap the text field and start typing or select the microphone icon on your keyboard to use speech-to-text - not the blue microphone icon under the text box, as this icon is used for recording audio that is not converted to text. The other blue icons also let you upload a file from your device or take a photo. Continue by tapping Send.
Converting a quick note in the desktop version
In the desktop version of Raynet, you first need to add the Quick Note from your phone panel to your Dashboard. In it, you will find an overview of all received notes awaiting processing and an archive of those already processed.
Go to your Dashboard and click the Add New Panel button.
You will find the Quick Note panel in the tab Smart functions.
The new Note will be listed as Unprocessed in the panel along with the date and time it was added, a clickable map with the location where it was created, as well as the attachments.
Click the three dots button to do the following with your Quick note:
- Convert to...
- Archive
- Delete
To convert your Note, select Convert to... and choose which record type you want to create. In our case, we chose an Email » Continue. The email can also be linked to a record it relates to. Below you will see suggestions for activities from your calendar for that day. Then click the Convert button and Save the new record.
Once saved and opened, you will be redirected to the Email detailed card, where you will find all the important details and both the attached files and the record context. You can go straight to the Send Email action from here.
You will not lose a converted Note, it will just be archived. Access the Archive from the Quick Note from your phone panel. The archived note will contain information about which record type it has been converted to. It is also possible to get to the specific record detail by clicking on the note.
If you no longer need to archive Notes, click the X button and delete them forever.