You can assign a Category and color to all Activities that you create in Raynet. Colors will significantly help you navigate the Raynet Calendar. For example, you can set the color orange for meetings and green for private activities. Just take one look at your calendar and you will know right away what's awaiting you.
You can classify activities in two ways:
1. Category names and colors
2. Simplified, colors only.
Color-coded Activities in the Calendar can look like this:
Important: Only an account Administrator can set up the way Categories are displayed for all users. Authorized users can then edit individual items in the dropdown.
1. Using category names and colors
The first way to classify activities in the Calendar is with Categories and colors. You can add or edit the Category field for any Activity. Open the Task detail, for example, and click the drop-down box. At the bottom, you will find the Edit Items option.
A dialog box will open. Add a new Category name by clicking the Add Another Item button. You can also invalidate or delete a category in this window.
2. Using only colors for activities
If you don't need to see the Category name for Activities, and only want to use colors, select Change settings in the Edit Items dialog box.
Set the colors in the next window. If a category does not have a color assigned, Raynet will let you know via a yellow Warning box. The warning will pop up even if the colors are the same for multiple Categories. When everything is correct, click on Select Colors.
Use the checkboxes to select the colors you want to use for Activities. Confirm the selection.
The Category dropdown will then look like this: